How to Sleep Better

Jun 10, 2020

Sleep can have a huge effect on how you feel, physically and mentally.  While getting a good night's sleep might seem out of reach at times, there are things that you can do to improve the quality of your rest.  Getting a good night of sleep starts with the habits that you have throughout the day.  By adjusting your daytime routine, you can improve your sleep at night. 

Importance of Sleep

The quality of your sleep can affect your health and fitness.  It affects things from your appetite, hormones, immune system, and cardiovascular health.  Even just one night of inadequate sleep can impact your mood and mental wellbeing.  You may feel irritable, unmotivated, and sluggish throughout the next day. 

When you sleep well, you have more energy, you can concentrate on your tasks for the day, and you’ll even perform better during your workouts.  Sleep is also essential for muscle recovery after a tough workout or when trying a new training style.

Creating Habits

When your routine changes, your sleep patterns can suffer.  Here are some habits that you can include in your day to improve your nightly rest. 


Adopt a healthy nighttime routine that takes you away from the computer screen or TV.  You might light some candles, take the time for a warm shower or skincare routine, practice some "Yoga for Better Sleep", meditate or write in a gratitude journal before going to bed. 



If you spend a lot of time indoors, making sure that you are exposed to as much natural light as possible throughout the day can help to regulate your sleep patterns.  Exposure to sunlight helps to regulate the levels of the sleep hormone melatonin, which in turn regulates your circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle. 

Sleeping in a dark room can also help. You might use a sleep mask to block out light if blinds or curtains used don’t completely darken the room.  Try to avoid exposure to devices during the hour before bed as this can also impact your sleep hormone regulation. 


Regular workouts can benefit you in so many ways and one of those ways is helping you to get a better night’s sleep.  While vigorous exercise like a HIIT workout has the most powerful impact on sleep quality, low intensity exercises like a ten-minute walk can also help to improve the quality of your sleep. 



Napping is a good way to make up for lost sleep, especially for shift workers or new parents, however, a long nap may prevent you from getting the rest you need during your next sleep.  Try to keep naps under half an hour, in the early afternoon to help maximize your chances of resting well that night. 


Eat Healthy

It can be very hard to get to sleep if your stomach is rumbling or if you’ve eaten a large meal close to bedtime.  When you are at home all day, it can be tempting to snack on less healthy foods that may not satisfy you completely. Preparing healthy meals at home can help to ensure that your body has the nutrition it needs all throughout the day. This can help to reduce nighttime snacking, which is another factor that can contribute to restless sleep. 

When eating your evening meal, eat mindfully to ensure that you are satisfied. Pay attention to what and how much you eat in the evening. This will ensure that you stay full until breakfast, which in turn will help you to get a good night’s rest. 



It’s not always possible to get up and go to bed at the same time each day, but try to follow a similar wake and sleep pattern across your weekdays and weekends.  Doing this will help to stabilize your sleep rhythm and allow your body to fully rest after each day. 

Mindfulness or Meditation

Your state of mind has a huge impact on your ability to unwind at the end of the day.  While it’s okay to be concerned or worried, repetitive or intrusive thoughts may impact your ability to sleep.  Using meditation and mindfulness techniques can help to reduce any feelings of anxiety throughout the day, which in turn can help you to sleep better at night.


Sleeping well isn’t always easy to do, especially when you are experiencing change in your life.  However, it’s at these times that it is most important to take care of your own wellbeing by giving yourself the rest you need each night.  By adopting healthy habits during times of stress, you will increase your resilience and be able to maximize your energy each day. 



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